Monday, February 11, 2008

Lost Life

10 February 2008

All expeditions have returned except for the main hike into the center of the island. We still have no contact with the group. By our predictions, they should be on their way back already. Some are worried at the absence of radio contact. I am one of them.
-Ian Mindrim

11 February 2008

The main expedition party has returned from their hike today... They bear some grievous news...
-Ian Mindrim

-- Mindrim expedition records

February 11, 2008
Tragedy has befallen the Icelandic group that has colonized the North Sea Island. Today, at approximately 4:30 in the morning, an expedition into the interior of the island has returned with a shocking report. The leading family of the expedition, the Merchevics, have perished dew to a violent geyser-like explosion underneath their feet. Four of the family perished, leaving only their youngest son, 17 year old Adam, and 2 others of the expedition. Those who saw the event, report a jet of water and steam erupting from the earth with no warning and consuming them all. Their bodies were not found. Young Adam is in a state of shock, as he was standing barely ten feet away when the group exploded, destroying his family.

-- U.S.A. newspaper excerpt

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