Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Contact

2 January 2008
On New Year's day, a group of our scientists where the first to set foot on the new island north west of our coast. They where not able to stay on the island for long and had to wear heat resistant clothing, as ground is still scotching hot. The vapor has cleared just enough to sail through. Rock samples where collected and are being closely observed in laboratories. So far, the samples confirm the popular theory of volcanic activity. Here is some things that a member of the voyage has to say about his voyage:
"It looked like a great mass of charred rock and dusk. We where covered in steam as we sailed close... such a desolate land I have never seen... We couldn't move far inland because of the intense heat and awful fumes."

As of now, the Norwegian search team has not found any trace of the hazardous submarine. A German search party has been dispatched to aid the Norwegians.

- German newspaper translated excerpt

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